The project “Novel substructure and installation process in deep waters to reduce the cost of offshore wind energy”, SÍ100, has been selected from more than a hundred proposals in the CDTI Misiones 2021 call to be financed by the European Union. NextGenerationEU, through the Ministry of Science and Innovation.
The main objective of the SÍ100 project is the research and development of new marine structures for the installation of high-power wind turbines (up to 20MW) at great depths (between 60 and 100m), which allow reducing the cost of current energy and facilitating the opening of the wind market at depths greater than 50 meters.
This project represents a great innovation worldwide and for its development TETRACE will collaborate with the companies ISATI, INGECID AND NABRAWIND as well as the University of Cantabria, IH Cantabria and the CIDAUT foundation.